Sunday, January 14, 2018

International Assembly 2018

Kim and I arrived in San Diego on 13 January, and immediately become busy in activities and preparing for the Governors Elects’ arrival today.

The staff of Rotary International do a very comprehensive job of planning and organizing this event.  The average attendee is so absorbed in the energy of the event that it’s rarely noticed.  A couple of examples include the practice sessions the day before each event.  Below, we are practicing the introduction of the Boards and Partners which will happen tomorrow morning.
Starting the day with practice for tomorrow’s Board of Directors’ introduction.

The ‘backstage’ area is as advanced and enormous as any Broadway production, and I’ve found it 
interesting in that Kim and I were backstage several times at the International Convention as well, 
that most of these people are ‘mild-mannered’ staff by day, but during these Rotary worldwide events, they take on the mantra of what they really enjoy as an avocation.  We are very fortunate to have the quality of staff of over 700 individuals around the globe who work at the Secretariat.

Backstage, note all of the equipment in the background.

The Governors Elect are arriving today and some of them have actually been in Southern California for a day or so, experiencing the area before the start of the Assembly.

DGE George & Lannette from Western Virginia enjoying the sites.

After lunch, the Rotary Board of the Directors and the Rotary Foundation held a joint meeting, covering several topics, such as Disaster Response, Regional Leaders, and Strategic Planning.
About as real as it gets...

The Boards of Directors and Trustees, staff, and invited guests total 80 people.

The head table during the joint meeting.

Director Elect Jeffrey Cadorette receiving Level II Major Donor recognition from Chairman Paul.

DGE April, and Jeff Clark.
DGE Frank Jalik.
PDG Brian, one of the Assembly Trainers who will be facilitating classes with the Governors Elect all week.

The Opening Session of the International Session began with an awesome African Drum performance, with lots of audience participation.  

And then the moments we have all long awaited, the Presidential Theme for 2018-19!

Rotary International Theme for 2018-19

President Elect Barry Rassin gave a wonderful and inspiring address, introducing the President’s Theme for 2018-19, and asked us to "LEAP" to action!

Past Director Julia Phelps, RIDE Jeffry, and me.

Kim & Peter Kyle from Zone 33.

Selfie with DGE Patrick.

Fellow Rotarians from Zones 33/34 at breakfast.

President Elect Barry & Esther at the Cultural Exchange expo.

PDG Haresh Ramchandani addressing the Assembly with vigor.

Rotary's Vision Statement

Kim leading a roundtable discussion with Governor Partners from India and Australia.

Always great to visit with our dear friend, Past Rotary President Raja Saboo from Chandigarh in India.

A long and action packed week which seemed to literally fly by our vision.  Team building and forging new relationships as well, the Rotary International Assembly of 2018 is now history, and our +500 Governors Elect from around the world are headed home to "Be the Inspiration" as the new Governors of their respective districts on 1 July.

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